Posted below are nearly 300 papers presented by the Fortnightly membership as of April 2017. More are available in the Smiley Library in Redlands California.
Appleton, J.R.
- Reflections Following the Death of a Spouse After a Lengthy Marriage: With a Modest Attempt at Some Advice
- Affirmative Action: An Unsettling Issue
- Successful Leadership: An Elusive concept at Best
- The Saga of the Bell X-2
- Lessons From A University Student Affairs Administrator Drawn From the ’60’s and ’70’s
Applewhite, J.D.
Atchley, Tom
- Fishing in Mill Creek, Santa Ana and Bear Lake
- Redlands Tract Sale
- Redlands: A Communtity Response to World War II
Baker, O.A.
Baldwin, R.C.
Ballou, Kenneth A.
Baty, R.M.
Bauer, Dale
- The Romance of Architecture
- I Built That Building in Redlands
- The Baure Daffodil Garden — Did it Just Happen?
Baylink, D.J.
- Impact of Genetic Engineering on Us
- Current and Future Management of Osteoporosis
- Miracles and Perils of the Genome Revolution
- Lifestyles and Genetics in Health and Disease
- The Vitamin D Story
Belote, J.H.
- Earl Warren and Me: A Brief History
- In Search of Myself: an Inquiry into Concepts of Self
- Hair Today, Gone Tomorrow : The Evolution and Cultural
Significance of Hair - Jefferson Davis, An American Hero
Britt, Rex L.
Bromberger, F.S.
Burgess, L.E.
- 100 Years of Music By The Redlands Bowl Performing Arts, And The Musical Town That Hosted It
- The Centennial of the A. K. Smiley Public Library Building: Where the Past Looks to the Future
- Helen Hunt Jackson’s Surprising Children’s Tales
- City’s Image Comes Hard
- Forty Years Toiling in the Historical Vineyard
Burgess, R.L.
- Where Did All This Stuff Come From?
- Our Failing Future- Are Things Really That Bad?
- Google: Fencing In the Wild West-
Why new websites will never get top search listings - Accessing Knowledge From Clay Tablets to Google
- Barren County Boys-The Orphans And Yanks In The Cross Hairs
- Redlands Powers the World – How the San Bernardino Valley Developed Modern Electric Power First
- The Influence of the Farrer Family on the Virginia Company and Self Governance
- Fantastic Plastic and Its Dark Side
Burton, L
Clark, A.
Cook, M.
Corneille, R.
- What is the Circular Economy and can it Save the Planet?
- Climate Change is Real and Seriously Impacting our Earth – Can we Save the Planet?
- Climate Change and Redlands Water Supply
- Hydraulic Fracturing for Oil and Gas – Impacts on Water Supply
Covington, R.; 1999
- Tales of an Explorer & Guide: Jim Bridger’s Later Years
- How To Go Fishing Forever: Buy A Montana Resort
Cranmer, R.; 1994
- From Bush to Jet: Western Canadian Aviation
- Albert Barnes, the Irascible Art Collector
- A Bride and Two Brothers: Van Gogh’s Van Goghs
Crisp, George
Christison, George
Cunningham, William
- Ostrich in Crisis
- Whiskey’s for drinkin’, water’s for fightin’
- Are we there yet?
- Too Smart – One Antediluvian’s View of Smart Growth
- Whiskey’s for drinkin’, water’s for fightin’
- The Benefits (?) Of Growth
- Janus – the patron of beginings and endings
- Let’s split – the nucleus that is
- And He Is Us
- The Almost “Hole” Story
Dawes, Robert E.
- More Important than Currency or Gold: How the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation Bolsters Confidence in the American Banking System
- The Berlin Wall – Long Gone?
Dibble, B.
Dibble, E.F.
Dittmar, H.G.
Duvall, Ronald I.
Eadie, D.G.
Edwards, F.
Ely, N.
- Recollections of the Persian Gulf
- My Father’s Search for the Lost Dutchman Mine in Arizona
- Herbert Hoover: Some Personal Recollections
- Doctor Ray Lyman Wilbur
- A Toast to the Future of the Fortnightly Club
- The Hohokam of Central Arizona
Fagan, Gary
Fallows, J.A.
- The Quest of Fortnightly Biographies
- Redlands at Fortnightly’s Beginnings: 1895
- The Pepper Paper
- Use A Computer
- House Calls
- Plymouth Village Insights
Fawcett, W.K.
- The Redlands Symphony Orchestra – a Cultural Jewel
- Seven Oaks Dam
- High Speed Trains of the World
- Gerry Bull & The Iraq Supergun
- The Hubble Space Telescope
Ghormley, K.O.
Goler, Bernie R.
- Out of the Past | Download PowerPoint (1MB)
Grant, H.
Griesemer, A.D.
- The Earth’s Version of the Old Bump & Grind: Plate Techtonics
- Humankind’s Discovery of the New World: The Calico Connection
- The Mystery of the Isle of the Iguanas: The Galapagos Islands
- The Ashfall Fossil Beds: A Twelve Million Year Old Catastrophe Frozen in Time
- ADOLPH and BENITO: Part One, 1919 – 1940
Halcott, G.G.
Halsey, C.
Helbron, R.
- Advancements in Surgery and the Development of Non-invasive Techniques
- The not so Sweet Side of Sugar
- 841 Days in Captivity: Dr. Steve Loper’s Experiences as a POW During World War II
Hendon, L.H.
- Habitat for Humanity: Solving the World’s Low Income Family Housing Needs 20,000 Houses at a Time
- Hurricanes Are Bad
- Conservation in the Decisive Decade: Saving Mother Earth One Piece at a Time
Hill, H.M
- A Biographical Sketch of S. Stillman Berry Ph.D.
- Gus Knight Jr., Entrepreneur of Bear Valley and Rogue Sportsman
- When Redlands Was A Hunter’s Town & Tales of Local Nimrods
Howell, C.D.
- One Man’s Error..
- The Mad Hatter and the Sacrificial Lamms
- An Unforgettable Scientist, the Life of Louis Agassiz
- Limits of Life
- The Origin of Life
- Tales Told Out of School: Stories About Scientists I Have Known
Jacobs, D.F.
- Gambling and the Money Myth
- A New Paradigm For Understanding & Treating Addictive Disorders
- Memories: True or False
- The Lottery as Pied Piper For Juvenil Gambling
- Youth Gambling in North America
Jensen, A.M.
- Rotary International’s Polio Plus: Working with The U.N. World Health Organization
- Rafting the Colorado River in the Grand Canyon
Jones, J.M.
- The Airship Hindenburg and the Seaship Castle Rock, Two Obituaries
- Reflections of a Mainiac
- My Doughface Cousin
- The Virtue of Courage
- Shakespeare, Who?
Jones, Richard A.
Jury, William
Keen, L.T.
Knight, R.M.
Korfmacher, S.D.
- The Lure and Lore of Jade
- The Lure and Lore of Gemstones
- L. C. T.: Icon and Iconoclast
- It’s A Dog’s Life
Little, Paul J.
- Freedom & Authority In the Theatre of the Absurd
- A One-eyed Prophet’s View of the Post X-Generation
- It’s A Dog’s Life
- The Players Have Arrived — Bring the Tomatoes
Losee , Edgar F.
- Apiarian, Pertainng to Bees or the Keeping & Care of Bees
- Elias J. Baldwin “By gad I’m not licked yet”
- Summary – Ancient Southwest Cultures – Anasazi, Hohokam, Mogollon
- Twenty Years at Kimberly Crest: A Labor of Love for a Historic Home
Malesky, Edwin MD
Marshburn, A. Lawrence
McDonald, Bill
- Greatest Literary Hoax Ever?
- The Parthenon, Part I: From its Multiple Beginnings to 432 BCE
- The Parthenon, Part II, 432 BCE – 2017 CE: An Icon and a Ruin
- On Memory
- The Literary Disclaimer: Law, Fiction, and the Real
- On Reading
- Homer and Sappho: The Invention of Love and Subjectivity
- ’Sometimes, a Cigar is just a Cigar’: How Freud Slipped into the English Department.”
- THE MINOANS AND THE PALACE AT KNOSSOS: Myth, Archeology, and the Invention of a World
Moersch, Richard
Moersch, Richard
Moersch, Richard
Moersch, Richard
Momyer, George R.
Momyer, George R.
Moore, R.B.
- Surely The Lord Is In This Place; And I Knew It Not
- Searching For Our “Ancients”: Journeys of the Spirit
Morse, R.E.
Morse, R.E.
Munz, M.H.
Musmann, K.
Nelson, L.E
- Some Zip-zone Serendipities
- New Year’s Numblings and Thumblings
- Some Unrecognized Shrines in Redlands
- Streets in Redlands
- Fortnightly in Redlands
Nies, Boyd
- Memories of World War II on the Homefront
- The Other Yosemite
- German POWs in WWII
- Lewis and Clark as Physicians
- Vaccines and the Antivaccinationists
- Why We Are The Way We Are
- The Great Influenza Epidemic of 1918-9 And the Virus that Caused It
- Americans of Germans From Russia Ancestry
Nordgren, Tyler, PH.D.
Ouellette, Eugene G.
Parsons Jr., T.W.
Patton, William, MD
- Self-Experimentation by Physicians
- Abortion, A New Look at an Old Practice
- The Biological Basis of Gender
Peele, F.D.
Rabinowitz, Fredric
- From Ancient Greens to Tiger Woods: The Evolution of the Game of Golf
- The Nature of Male Depression
- Men’s Health: A Psychological Perspective
Reid, Albert R.
- Friends: Developing and Maintaining Social Contacts 2012
- Medicine, Technology, and Diabetes from a Consumer’s Point of View
- Internet Search Engines: Help or Overload?
- Eighteen Weeks From Oleander to Ceanothus
Riday, G. E.
- The Anatomy of Humor
- Morris S. Dees: With Liberty and Justice For All
- The World’s Most Amazing Sound System
- Our Mystifying Memory System
Running, Ron
Schaffroth, A.
Schuiling, T.
- Transcending Silos: A Perspective on Regional Issues
- Helicopters in the Wilderness: Minerals Exploration Experiences and Reflections
- What’s With Oil? (powerpoint)
Schuiling, W.C.
Shell, E.E.
Singer, D.L.
- Clash of Cultures in the Year 1096: The First Crusade & the Jews
- Going Negative: The Smear Campaign Against Upton Sinclair
- Soapy Smith: Uncrowned King of Skagway
Slater V, John F.
Smart, G.W.
Smith, G.A.
Sommer, Jim
Spiller, Steve
- Fort Ticonderoga – The Key to the Continent
- A Battle Recalled – Memories of Black Sand, Sulfur, and a Hidden Foe
- Redlands Citizens Finding Shelter in the Atomic Age
- An Island Worth Defending: The Midway Atoll
- A Passion for Collecting
- Journey of Uncertainty – Elbert Walker Shirk & the Belgian Expeditionary Force
- Mary Shirk: the Reality of Her Vision
- The Air Minded Mission Inn
- Chained to the Bulldozer – Perspectives on Historic Preservation
Strong, Richard W.
Stuck, Monte
- The Vietnam Conflict – A Personal Account
- Cycle, Cycle, Recycle
- Redlands Architect: Leon Hines Armantrout
Talbert, M.J.
- Global warming ? ?
- Come Hell and High Water
- Mysteries & Phantoms of the Brain
- Magnificent Humbig: P.T. Barnum
- Complementary & Alternative Medicine
Taylor, R.W.
Taylor, W.L.
- America’s First Mathematician, Astronomer and Philosopher: Nathaniel Bowditch
- Humans, Time and Menology
- The Great California Flood of 1862
- The Flying Clippers: Their Glory, Romance, Tragedy and Mysery
- An Encrusted Mystery: The Saga of the Antikythera Mechanism
Templeton, John
Thomas, Dana
Tillitt, H.E.
Tincher, John M.
- Zinfandel: Croatia’s Gift to California
- San Miguel de Allende: our almost forgotten Sister City
- Charles Lindbergh’s Final Flight
Toothaker, Frank
- The Cultural Lag
- From Hardscrabble to Euclid
- Moral Implications of Atomic Warfare
- The Miao-tze
- Halley’s Comet: Amazing Prisoner of the Sun
Vroman, W.N.
U of R Student Essay Contest
Waldron, J.
Waner, N.
- Paul and Lloyd Waner: Big Poison and Little Poison
- Foundations and Endowments: A National and Local Perspective
- How Technology Has Changed the Capital Markets, and a bit about Bitcoin
- How Technology Has Changed the Capital Markets, and a bit about Bitcoin – Images
Wilkerson, R.L.