OF REDLANDS, CALIFORNIA - Founded 24 January 1895
MEETING # 1587
4:00 P.M.April 24, 1997
What is Correct English?

by Martin H. MunzAssembly Room, A. K. Smiley Public
What Is Correct English?It is presumptuous of me to write a paper on this subject to be read
before this august group of educated men -- professors, doctors, ministers, lawyers
scientists, engineers journalists, etc. It reminds me of an experience my father had had
in his youth as a minister in the Midwest. As his ability as a preacher was well known by
his colleagues, he was urged to apply for the pastorate of St. Peters Evangelical Church
in Elmhurst, Illinois, a wealthy suburb west of Chicago. This was also the Elmhurst
College church. Although he was honored by the confidence placed in him, he decided not to
apply for this position, for he said he would not feel comfortable to preach every Sunday
to a congregation which included several professors and ministers.English teachers should be qualified to speak and write correct English.
Having taught English for several years, I considered myself to be quite knowledgeable
about the correctness of the language. I had more to learn, however, when I worked at the
University of Redlands' Whitehead College for a few years as assistant to the late Dr.
William Umbach who was Dean of Graduate Studies and a former member of Fortnightly. As the
etymological editor of Webster's New World Dictionary for many years, Dr. Umbach was one
of the outstanding authorities of word usage. As his assistant in the Whitehead program, I
was responsible for critiquing masters' theses for grammar and composition, and for
setting up orals examinations.Our graduate classes consisted of students who were employed full-time and
who met one afternoon or night each week at various locations in Southern California. Each
student was required to develop a project related to his work area and develop a master's
thesis describing the project. I was responsible for meeting with each class once during
the year to inform the students of our requirements and types of errors to avoid. In this
paper I am including some of the information I gave to the students.Some of the most common errors relate to comma usage. I once asked a young
secretary how she determined where to place a comma. She said she put a comma after each
group of words when she took a breath. Commas are important to give the intended meaning
to the sentence. How should one use commas in a series? Should one place a comma after the
last word in a series before "and"? Let's look at this sentence: "For
dinner we had mash potatoes and gravy, green peas, rolls, liver smothered in onions and
ice cream". If we don't place a comma after onions, it can mean that we had ice cream
smothered in liver and onions. James J. Kilpatrick, columnist for the Universal Press
Syndicate, often featured in the Redlands Daily Facts, states that the "Placement of
commas is mostly a matter of good judgement". He states further that several large
newspapers prohibit the use of commas in a series before the conjunction "and" in a series. Two examples are the New York Times and the Associated Press.Many writers have discussed the distinction between "anxious"
and "ea-ger". The difference is that "anxious" is related to anxiety.
When we are anxious about something, we are worried, apprehensive, or concerned. When we
are "eager", we are filled with pleasant anticipation.The words "healthy" and "healthful" each have special
meanings. People are healthy but foods are healthful. Kilpatrick tells us that the
distinction is fading, however.Another controversy concerns the words "lend" and
"loan". The word "to loan" has been around for a long time, but
"to lend" has a nicer sound than "loaning".In the educational process, we try to teach students to pronounce words
correctly. One word often mispronounced is "athlete". Some pronounce it, saying
"ath e fete". The word has only two syllables.
Likewise, the word "height" is often pronounced "heighth", as though
it ended in "th", like eighth. Height ends inky end rimes with might, right,
sight, etc.Our language is constantly changing. When I was in the third grade the
word "today" was spelled with a hyphen, "to-day". But that changed
within a short time.One of my pet peeves is the overuse of the reflexive pronoun "myself''. Kilpatrick discussed this quite thoroughly a couple of years age in his
column. He quotes a sportswriter who wrote: "The traveling party was myself, my
sister Terry, my mother, Pat, and my grandmother from Nebraska". He says the sentence
"stumbles,'. He continues: "Myself,' serves a useful purpose only for emphasis.
"I myself saw the flying saucer". Other wise we should use "I" or
"me" or we should recast a clumsy sentence.Over the past ten years Gresham's law of language has been at work: Bad
usage drives out good. The old distinctions between "who" and "whom"
are steadily fading. The same can be said for "can" and "may". But we
continue to insist on the first rule of English composition, which is that subject and
predicate must agree in number.In the San Bernardino Sun, we saw this sentence during the last political
campaign: "people in the District need someone more involved than Lewis, whom he
alleged has not written a bill lately". If we omit "he alleged" we have
"who has not written a bill". That sounds right and is correct. Here is a
similar news item: "Pentagon officials are contacting about 5000 troops whom they
believe may have been exposed". If we omit ''they believe", we know that whom is
wrong.My favorite guide to English usage is a book by Harry Shaw entitled:
Errors in English and Ways to Correct Them. He states that we should fully understand the
function of pronouns in order to avoid errors. Here are some sentences which illustrate
the correct use of who and whoever:The question of who is eligible is unimportant. This article offers good
advice to whoever will accept it. That is the boy whom I saw at the beach last summer.
Jack always tells his problems to whomever he meets. Give the present to whomever you
wish. Jill asked Gray who he thought would be elected. I winked at the girl who no one
thought would be elected.If we understand the function in each of the above sentences, we will fee!
satisfied that we have used the right pronoun.A common expression we hear is "aren't I". Aren't is a plural
contraction meaning are not I. We mean to say "Am I not".What is the distinction between "each other" and "one
another"? According to Webster's New World Dictionary, "each other"
involves two individuals, whereas "one another" involves more than two. Remember
that in the Bible Jesus says, "Love ye one another".What is the distinction between "infer" and "imply',7
Although these expressions are often used as synonyms, there is a difference in meaning.
"Imply" means to indicate without saying openly or directly; "Infer" means to understand what you think was said.We often hear this question, "Where is it at"? The
"at" is superfluous; just say "Where is it"?In order to avoid over-use of certain words, we look for synonyms. There
is a story told on Noah Webster. His wife caught him in the act of sex with the
chambermaid. "Noah!" she cried, "I am surprised!" "No, my
dear," said the great lexicographer, untangling himself, "you are astonished. I
am surprised."Writers are becoming increasingly careless in writing incomplete
statements as we found recently in the news:"Sometimes people who work in the background are overlooked as far as
public recognition". I would add "is concerned"."Winning the game was huge as far as the tournament". Again, I
would add "was concerned".The above sentences sound incomplete to me unless one adds "is
concerned". So the sentence would read: Winning the game was huge as far as the
tournament divas concerned".In his book on correct usage, Shaw writes, "Modern punctuation usage
omits many commas that were formerly used; therefore you should be able to account for
each comma in your writing. A comma must be needed for sense construction, clearness, or
effectiveness. Avoid using commas needlessly to separate closely related sentence
elements."In the following sentences, for instance, no comma is needed: "We
asked to have the motion reread." "I found that driving was not so hard after
all". "To do satisfactory work is my aim".Do not use a comma between two independent clauses where a stronger mark
of punctuation (semicolon or period) is required. I recommend using the semicolon in such
a case if the second clause is closely related in meaning to the first; otherwise use a
period.Finally, do not use a comma in any situation unless it adds to clarity and
understanding.We have heard the words "center around" quite often. Umbach used
to ask, "How can you center around anything; you mean "center on or center
in". Many have trouble with the use of "lay" and "lie". The
principal parts are "lay, laid, and laid" and "lie, lay, and lain".
"Lie" is an intransitive verb, i.e. lie it is not used as object, when one says,
"I lay down for a nap". If one says "laid", he must state what he
laid.People often misspell the past tense of "load" which is
pronounced "lead" but is spelled "led".What is the distinction between "farther" and
"further"? "Farther" relates to distance whereas "further"
indicates more remote in space and time, degree or addition".We all know that in mathematics a double negative makes a positive. The
same thing is true in language. Thus, if we say, "I can't hardly see you",we are really saying "I can see you". "Hardly" is a
negative adverb.Why do many people have trouble with the use of personal pronouns? We
heard an announcer of a college football game declare: "The halfback took the ball
and ran for a touchdown and there was no one between he and the goal". Teachers try
to teach their students to use the objective case when the pronoun is the object of a verb
or preposition. In the sentence, "Have you met Jack and her?" the objective case
her is object of the verb "have met". If we omit "Jack and" we have
"Have you met her?" That sounds correct.In recent years many writers have changed their use of plural referent
with a singular antecedent. Kilpatrick says that "Opponents of 'sexism', suffering
from eggshell sensitivity, have brought this plague upon us." Let's look at these
examples:"Just about everyone, it seems, think they are funny."
"Everyone ages at their own pace". "Each honoree earned the respect of
their peers in Hawaii". "Each child is learning at their own pace".Kilpatrick continues: "In the days before political correctness
leaped to the saddle and seized the reins of English usage, a masculine referent served a
universal purpose. Everyone thought he was funny, each child learned at his own pace, and
each honoree earned at his own pace. Now the self-conscious writer clutters his syntax
with 'his own her own pace' and 'his or her peers'. Clumsy!"There are half a dozed ways to avoid stirring up the feminists.
Often a plural construction will pluck the stinger. Have all the honorees earned the
respect of their peers? Most of us think WE are funny. Adults age at their own pace. No
one is offended and the English sentence is not ravaged".Two years ago two top executives of Public Broadcasting Jennifer Lawson
and John Grant resigned their positions. The president of PBS praised Lawson, but a TV
columnist said the president has "forced she and Grant to give up some of their
responsibilities".Presidents stumble, too. Testifying before a grand jury Bill Clinton said
that after they profited on one deal, "Mr. McDougal invited Hillary and I to invest
with Jim and Susan".How should we treat such words as "couple", singular or plural
in this sentence: "A Redlands couple were among the governor's guests"?
"Were" is correct because we think of them as two persons.What about the word "of,' in this sentence: "He fell off of the
horse"? The "of" seems superfluous to me. Kilpatrick states that most of
the time a sentence can be improved by omitting "of" but he would use the word
in this sentence: "In the long run you can make more money off of good stocks than
you can make off of good bonds".One of my gripes is "try and do" or "try and cut" from
the staff or "try and remove the stain". The writer really means "try to
do". Various authors regard "try and" as standard usage, but I don't like
Another common statement we hear is "we read in the paper where ..... The correct
statement is "I read in the paper that".....When one feels ill does he feel "bad" or "badly"? If
you feel badly, something is wrong with your sense of feeling; your fingers may be numb or
calloused. If you feel bad, you're ill, depressed, or worried.Some writers use the phrase "the reason is because". This is
wrong as the word "reason" implies the cause. One should state, "the reason
is that".The correct use of the apostrophe is not understood by many students
because it is somewhat tricky. Here are some examples of correct usage when the possessive
case is indicated; women's, children's, ladies', heroes', Jim Jones', Queen Mary's Crown,
somebody else's coat. In contractions we use the apostrophe to indicate that letters have
been omitted, as in didn't, isn't, can't. etc.A common error is found in the use of apostrophes in forming the plural of
nouns and the possessive case of personal and relative pronouns, such as ours, yours, his,
her, its, theirs, whose. When the apostrophe is used in the word "its", it is a
contraction for "it is".One of the often misused punctuation marks is the hyphen. When two or more
words are used as a modifier of a substantive they are hyphenated, as bell-shaped hats,
first-rate musician, six-room house, good-natured professor. At Whitehead College, Umbach
insisted that we should always use a hyphen to separate the word self when combined with
another word to form an adjective, as in self-esteem, self-confident, self-control. Other
uses of hyphens are as compound nouns as by-product of coal, brother-in-law, Jack
of-all-trades, court-marshal!, secretary-treasurer. Also use the hyphen in compound
numerals from twenty-one through ninety-nine., and in the numerator and denominator of
fractions as in four-fifths, one-half, and three-fourths. Do not use a hyphen when an
adverb modifies an adjective as in "She was a highly trained secretary."Spelling causes problems for many students as well as for adults.
Authorities have formulated nearly fifty rules, but most of us know only about a half
dozen. A rule which we memorized in elementary school went like this:
Write i before e
Except after c I
Or when sounded like a
As in neighbor and weigh
During World War II, I recall reading the headline in the Arizona Republic
in huge 2-inch letters "Leningrad Under SEIGE." Of course Leningrad was under
siege. These two words are often misspelled. They are included in the list of "100
spelling demons" we used to teach our junior high pupils to spell correctly.Here are some words which are still problems for may of our students
today: occasion acquaint suspicionilliterate all right siegeirresponsible: noticeable seizeaccommodate basis pursuerecommend beginning unnoticeddissatisfied profited whethersaw. perseverance receivefamiliar sandwich believeaccidentally judgment questionnaireoccurrence
Years ago we taught our junior high students to spell all of the words on
the list of "100 Spelling Demons." I don't know what ever happened to that list.
Do you?Here are some examples of unclear writing which Umbach gave me. These
sentences are taken from actual letters received by a local Welfare Department in
applications for support.I am writing the Welfare Dept. to say that my baby was born two years old.
When do I get my money?Cam forwarding my marriage certificate and six children. I had seven but
one died which was baptized on a half sheet of paper. Mrs. Jones has not had any clothes for year and has been visited regularly
by the clergy.I cannot get sick pay. I have six children. Can you tell my why?I am glad to report that my husband who is missing is dead.This is my eighth child. What are you going to do about it?Please find for certain if my husband is dead. The man I am how living
with can't eat or do anything until he knows.I am very annoyed to find you have branded my son illegitimate as this is
a dirty lie. I was married a week before he was born.In answer to your letter, I have given birth to a boy weighing ten pounds.
I hope this is satisfactory.I am forwarding my marriage certificate and three children, one of which
is a mistake, as you can see.My husband had his project cut off three weeks ago and I haven't had any
relief since.Unless I get my husband's money pretty soon, I will be forced to live an
immortal life.You have changed my little boy to a girl. Will this make any difference?I have no children yet as my husband is a truck driver and works day and
night.In accordance with your instructions I have given birth to twins in the
enclosed envelope.I want my money as quick as I can get it. I've been in bed with the doctor
for two weeks and he doesn't do me any good. If things don't improve, I will have to send
for another doctor.
In most of the above sentences, there are misplaced phrases which can be
corrected with a little logical thinking.In this paper I have tried to discuss some of the errors we find in the
use of English. I acknowledge that there are many more aspects of the language which could
be included.