4:00 P.M.
February 27, 2003
Plymouth Village Insights

by James A. Fallows M.D.
Assembly Room, A. K. Smiley Public Library
Some highlights of the history of Plymouth Villages development into a pleasant and secure retirement community providing housing, health care and supportive services are described. Also noted are governance, kinds of living spaces, identification maps of the Plymouth Village trees, and the game of Pétanque.
Biography Of The Author
James A. Fallows M.D., who 12 years ago retired from 35 years of internal medicine practice at the Beaver Medical Group, has lived at Plymouth Village since July, 2001. In appreciation of being there, he has served as President of the Plymouth Village Residents Association for more than one year.
Jean and I moved into Plymouth Village on July 1, 2001, We had enjoyed living in the large house on Crescent Avenue for more than forty years. We had raised our four children there and later had comfortable room for family visits with grandchildren as well. Twenty-two of us had fun together at a memorable Christmas.
Eventually we didnt need that much room. We didnt want to move twice. We knew many residents of Plymouth Village as longtime friends and previous patients. It was a natural choice to move to Plymouth Village on July 1, 2001. As usual the Plymouth Village house had been painted inside and out, new carpeting installed, and new fixtures installed in the kitchen and bathrooms. After the tumult of the move, we have become happily adapted to Plymouth Village living and we are thoroughly enjoying it. We have continued our volunteering in Redlands associations. And we have been absorbed into the family of residents of our new location.
Some of you, Doug Eadie, Harold Hill, Art Miller, Bob Moore, Martin Munz, George Riday, and Walter Schuiling live in Plymouth Village now. Others of you will be moving there as time goes by. My goal is to describe some aspects, not only for you Fortnightly members in attendance, but for future internet readers of the paper on our website.
I plan to include some aspects of the beginnings and history of Plymouth Village, the types of buildings there now, its governance, and identification of the many trees on the grounds. Only some of the pleasant activities and productive projects of the residents are covered in this paper.
Beginnings of Plymouth Village
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Plymouth Village Insights
Plymouth Village of Redlands is a "child" of Pilgrim Place of Claremont, California. It grew out of the successes of Pilgrim Place and, one might say, out of its inadequacies. Pilgrim Place of Claremont, an eminently successful retirement community, had more applications than it could take care of in any reasonable time. Its leaders conceived of the idea of opening another area, getting more land, enlarging its services.
Pilgrim Place had been founded in 1915 as a home for retired Christian workers. The 28 acre layout was started by Congregationalists.
In 1958 the Board of Directors of Pilgrim Place of Claremont authorized the administrator, Mr. Frank M. Herkelrath Jr. and a special committee to survey areas for the establishment of another retirement community to meet the needs which Pilgrim Place could not meet for lack of space. Sites were looked at in Claremont, in Whittier, and in Redlands. Mr. Herkelrath knew Redlands well, having lived here, and consequently urged the committee to concentrate on Redlands..
Mr. Herkelrath knew, specifically, of the orange grove consisting of sixteen and more acres, belonging to the Edwards family in Redlands, In her lifetime, Mrs. J. S. Edwards had shown a deep interest in Pilgrim Place, having given a two-bedroom house as a memorial gift. Mr. Herkelrath reported that the heirs were wanted to sell the property soon. They agreed to delay disposal of the property until January, 1959, so that further exploration might be made for obtaining the land.
In October, 1958, a group from Redlands went to Claremont to look over Pilgrim Place. Later some members of the Pilgrim Place Board came to Redlands, Redlands Attendees were Mr. Warren Roach (banker), Mr. Raymond ,F. Canterbury (real estate), Mr. Rex William Crammer (Attorney), Rev. Gerald C. Churchill (Congregational minister) and Rev. Frank M. Toothaker (Methodist minister).
1959: Vote To Select Redlands
In spite of many problems, the Pilgrim Place Board, on January 27, 1959, voted "to select Redlands as a suitable site for a new retirement community." They should form a new corporation with a board similar to that of Pilgrim Place, to include men and women who had discussed the plans to date, and also a few from Claremont familiar with the Pilgrim Place organization. Pilgrim Place would provide the services of administration until. such time as the new corporation could provide its own administration. Mr. Herkelrath himself would give some time each week to the work in Redlands,
1959: Charter Board
On February 21, 1959, Mr. Herkelrath met with Mr. Rex W. Cramer, an attorney, and Mr. Paul R. Jennings who represented the Edwards estate, to work out details for purchasing the property. The very next day a group which might be called the Charter Group of the Board yet to be formed in Redlands met in the home of Mr. Warren Roach on Alvarado Street. They were Mr. Frank M. Herkelrath, Mr. Dan N. McLeod, Mr. Charles 0. Pierpoint, Mr., Warren Roach, Mr. George G. Stone, and Dr. Frank M. Toothaker.
Purchase Arrangements
On October 28, 1959, W. Herkelrath met with Mr. Paul Jennings concerning terms of purchase. Pilgrim Place would pay $100,000 for the property, $35,000 down, and the balance payable over a five-year period at 6%. The Board for the new project (later known as Plymouth Village) would repay Pilgrim Place on the basis of $1,000 for each lot sold.
Meanwhile, interest in the new project was growing in Redlands. It was necessary to present plans to the city government for approval. In May Mr. Herkelrath called on Mr. Herbert J. Powell, A.I.A. architect in Los Angeles to create a master plan for the site. Then came the presentation to the Redlands Planning Commission on June 5, 1959, release to the press of the story of the proposed project.
1959: The Name Of Plymouth Village
Just when did the name "Plymouth Village" come into use? In the early minutes of the group representing both Pilgrim Place and Redlands, the term "Redlands Committee" was used. In the minutes of June 17 and 24, 1959, the term "Pilgrim Village" is used. This must have seemed too close to the name of the "mother" project, and thus would be confusing. Although no action is recorded in the minutes, the name "Plymouth Village" apparently was used in the first press release regarding the project. The name appears in the minutes for the first time on July 20, 1959.
What is Plymouth Village?
A 1973 brochure calls it a "congenial retirement plan which offers these essentials: security with independence and fellowship in congenial surroundings." The location is along Cajon Street, with Palm Avenue on the north and Highland Avenue on the south. There is a total of about sixteen and a half acres. The plan is to accommodate two hundred and thirty persons. Lots along the three roads mentioned are for single residences; that is, most of them house two persons; under the one roof there is only one residence. The property, however, is laid out with other roads, curving inner roads, with access to the city streets at present (1973) only on Palm Avenue from Salem Drive. Along these roads are built smaller bungalows some of them two under a single roof with two carports separating them; some have three and even four units under one roof. Some are studio apartments. with no separate bedroom or separate kitchen; some have one bedroom, and some have two. Some have a carport or garage under the same roof; some do not. No single floor plan is imposed; on the contrary it can almost be said that no two dwellings are alike. Variations have been considered at the request of the prospective occupant.
Arrangement For Entrance
Although there was no admission fee, the applicant was asked for an initial payment to meet actual costs of land and development. He could choose the floor plan and style of house he wished. The Administration could arrange a loan to meet the immediate costs of construction and landscaping, which the occupant repaid in accordance with the contract drawn between him and the Administration. Residents furnished their own utilities except for a minimum fee toward the total cost of water. They paid to the Administration also a monthly fee to cover maintenance of the grounds and buildings, fire insurance, management costs, trash disposal, city and county tax assessments, and fire and police protection.
Health Services
The health of the residents was a concern from the beginning. Visiting nurse service was available, with a maximum charge of $4 per visit, and this amount was met from the money paid each month by residents to the Administration of Plymouth Village. Membership in a health assurance plan was open to all residents. As early as 1964 the Administration made arrangements with Highland Haven (later called Beverly Manor), a first-class rest home in Redlands, to admit Plymouth Village residents immediately without question of payment. The Board of Directors agreed to underwrite this plan. In those days the minimum charge was $10 per day in semi-private rooms.
1959: City Approval and Incorporation
On August 10, 1959, an agreement was reached with the City of Redlands. Among other points agreed upon, Plymouth Village agreed to an annual payment of 85% of the average ad valorem tax per capita upon property owners in the City of Redlands for the prior fiscal year. This was agreed upon by the City because (1) the project is a worthy one, and (2) it requires less public service than ordinary family housing.
Plymouth Village would, for example, maintain the roadways within the Village without City assistance. Mr. Canterbury signed this agreement for Plymouth Village, and Mr. Charles C. Parker, then Vice-Mayor, signed for the City; Mr. E. F. Taylor, City Attorney, approved.
At the same time, it was necessary to form an authoritative, incorporated body in Redlands. In June 1959, the following committee members had been appointed:
Mr. Raymond F. Canterbury, Chairman Mr. J. Warren Roach, Treasurer Mr. Dan N. McLeod, Secretary. At that time Mr. Rex W. Cranmer was asked to prepare a draft for proposed articles of incorporation. This he did, and these were filed with the California Secretary of State on October 27, 1959. There were no funds to pay the fee for filing the papers; members of the committee contributed $125 to meet the bill. Plymouth Village was recorded as a non-profit corporation on November 4, 1959.
1959 1960 Organization Of Board
On December 1, 1959, an organization meeting of the new Board was held, and three weeks later the first official meeting of the expanded Board. Those present were:
Mr. Raymond F. Canterbury
Rev. Frank M. Toothaker
Mr. J. Warren Roach
Mr. Lester Johnson
Mr. Charles 0. Pierpoint
Mr. Rex W. Cramer
Mr. George G. Stone
Mr. Dan N. McLeod
1960 The Land Is Purchased
On January 25, Mr. Stone reported to the Plymouth Village Board that Pilgrim Place would pay the initial $35,000 and that they would execute a $65,000 unsecured note, and that $10,000 would be paid annually by Plymouth Village. Pilgrim Place was only lending its credit to the project until the Redlands committee took over. The matter of acquiring the property before March 31, 1960, was approved by the Board of Pilgrim Place on March 22. Thus it was that the old Edwards House and the land became the property of Pilgrim Place, held for development of Plymouth Village.
1961: Ground-Breaking
The groundbreaking ceremony took place on June 11, 1961. Mayor Charles C. Parker was present and said in part, "Plymouth Village will bring added prestige and dignity to our community, and this approach to retirement living will bring added prestige and dignity to the lives of the residents." Dr. Forrest A. Kingsbury represented those applying for admission.
Early Residents
During the months of negotiation and preparation a number of applications had been received and considered by the Admissions Committee.
The following were early residents, listed alphabetically:
Miss Helen Atkins
Miss Ruth Bestor
Miss Amy Irene Clowes
Mr. and Mrs. Halsey Dewey
Dr. and Mrs. Alvin T. Fishman
Miss Elizabeth Hidden
Rev. and Mrs. Ralph V. Hinkle
Miss C. Wilhelmina Jongewaard
Miss Maria Jongewaard
Miss Bertha N. King
Dr. and Mrs. Forrest A. Kingsbury
Dr. and Mrs. Francis P. Manley
Rev. and Mrs. Theodore Prescott
Mrs. Pearl F. Russell
Dr. and Mrs. Arthur L. Swift
Dr. Harry H. Weeks
Dr. and Mrs. Hugh J. Williams
Rev. and Mrs. W. Sage Woolworth
Some of the applicants arrived before their houses were built, and were accommodated temporarily in the Edwards House.
1961: Neighborhood Opposition
It seems strange in the light of subsequent developments that there was considerable objection to Plymouth Village from residents of that area of Redlands. The people who would be coming in were, on the whole, people whose income for many years had been small. Poor neighbors would not have money enough to keep their property looking attractive; lawns, gardens, and even the buildings would soon be seedy and disreputable.
Maintenance Of Grounds
It soon became evident that Plymouth Village property would be well kept. Indeed it would set high standards for others to follow. In the beginning, credit for this should go to Dr. Forrest Kingsbury. In 1973 Plymouth Village was included in the Redlands Horticultural and Improvement Society's annual tour of outstanding gardens.
1962: The First Houses
The ground was broken in June 1961. The contract for the first houses was let in January 1962, and the building permits for eleven units were issued on March 20, 1962.
1962: More Building
In July, Plymouth Village was granted building permits, and started more housing units. In September 1962, Dr. and Mrs. Forrest A. Kingsbury, and the Jongewaard sisters moved into their completed houses.
1962: Meals at the University of Redlands
There were no dining facilities in Plymouth Village. It was the Rev. Frank Toothaker who stepped in to help solve the need. Through him arrangements were made with the Commons at the University of Redlands for residents of Plymouth Village to get meals there, at the inexpensive rate allowed to students of the University. This plan continued in effect until 1967.
1962: Residents Association
On October 30, 1962, the first meeting of residents was held in the Woolworth house.
This meeting was the beginning of the Plymouth Village Residents Association.
1962: The Library
The library which had been started with the donation of Dr. Weeks' books in 1962 continued to grow. Under the chairmanship of Mrs. Hildegarde Swift, requests were circulated and books began to come in. Later Mrs. Olivia Price, a resident. offered to lend books from her collection; Dr. Toothaker offered to supply shelving, and the library became a much-appreciated part of Plymouth Village life.
1964: The Auxiliary
Nineteen sixty-four saw the birth of another very useful organization: the Plymouth Village Auxiliary. It came about in this way: on May 5, 1964. the Ways and Means Committee of the Corporation met, with Mr. Schultz as chairman. He spoke of the need for communication between Plymouth Village and the community of Redlands. The Rev. Harry G. Suttner, pastor of the First Congregational Church of Redlands, suggested that a Women's Auxiliary be organized with two young married women from each church to form the nucleus. These women could represent Plymouth Village at their churches, and also assist in fundraising activities. This was the original plan, but the group has never been made up in just that way, nor has it been that large. In 1972 it numbered twelve women. In spite of its few members it has made itself felt it many vital ways to the life of Plymouth Village.
The Auxiliary met first on May 27, 1964. Under the temporary leadership of Mrs. H. A. Radford (Doris) their first project was a strawberry festival which had, indeed, been suggested by Mr. Suttner. The festival was held on June 19, 1964. The Auxiliary was more formally organized on September 30, 1964. Mrs. Radford was elected President, Mrs. S. Macon Cowles (Becky) Secretary, and Mrs. Howard Hill, Treasurer. Mrs. Donald Gifford and Mrs. Claude Johnson shared being its representative on the Ways and Means Committee. The Strawberry Festival has become an annual event. It has made itself and Plymouth Village known in the community and at the same time provided fun and a means of raising money.
1965:, Plans For The Building
In March 1965, plans for the new building were announced. It was to be one story, housing a 16-bed medical unit, dining room and kitchen.There would also be four single rooms for Senior Living. Money was being raised for the new building which would meet efficiently the needs of Plymouth Village, at least for a time.
1966: Review
The Seventh Annual Meeting of the Corporation was held May 18, 1966. It was announced that $34,000 had been given toward the central building; $6,000 more was needed before a loan could be obtained. Plymouth Villagers, who now numbered forty-four in thirty home units, had given $ 5,000 toward the new structure. '"Various efforts were made to raise money. The Annual Strawberry Festival, mounted by the Auxiliary in June 1966 helped. The First Baptist Church assisted by hosting a dinner in July 1966 to raise funds.
A plan for the new structure was approved by the City Planning Commission in August 1966. Bids were opened in November for a 9.500 square foot building. The winning bid was that of Mr. W. C. Buster, and the contract was signed in April 1967 for $156,000.
1967: Groundbreaking For Edwards Hall and its Development
May 9, 1967 was a historic day in Plymouth Village, for on that day ground was broken for the new central building. It was on March 23, 1968 that doctors of the Redlands Community Hospital were invited to see the new building, and especially its medical facilities. The following day, March 24, 1968, it was dedicated. The following participated in the ceremony:
Dr. Lawrence E. Nelson, President of the Board
Mrs. Donald Gifford, Auxiliary President
Mr.. C. Paul Ulmer, Architect
Mr. W. C. Buster, Contractor
Mr. Albert Biggony, Interior Decorator
The name, Edwards Hall, honors Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Edwards on whose property Plymouth Village is built. A daughter of the family provided the bronze plaque mounted next to the front entrance.
Essential to the functioning of the convalescent home are the dining-room and the kitchen. These serve the patients, but also residents who may wish to arrange to eat meals there. Along with Mrs. Retha Lloyd (who later married Mr. W. W. Alder), and Mrs. Gladys Emmerson who carried responsibility for the medical facilities, worked Mrs. Doris Radford, to whom goes mach credit for the planning and furnishing of the kitchen, dining-room, and lounge. Her eye for economy made it possible to equip these areas, attractively and well with a minimum of cost. With Mrs. Radford must, be named Mrs. Christina Blankenship who for a time was Director of Food Services, and Mrs. Johanna Stueven who was first an assistant and then Director of Food Services, from the opening of Edwards Hall to the time of writing (1973).
1967 New Administrator
During the months of building, another important change took place. Up to this time, Mr. Herkelrath had served as Administrator. He lived in Claremont, but gave two days a week to Plymouth Village. He was ably assisted by Dr. Forrest A. Kingsbury and the Rev. Theodore Prescott who, living in Plymouth Village, were on the spot to take care of many details. There was need, however, for a full-time administrator, and on October 1, 1967, Mr. Carl E. Anderson came into the office. In December he was officially appointed administrator. At this time there were forty residents, in thirty housing units.
1970: Corporation And Residents' Association
Pilgrim Place was down to $69,000. Plymouth Village residents now numbered 62.
During the year 1970, Edwards Hall had been enlarged, as has been noted on earlier pages. The Library-Lounge was added, additional rooms were built for patients, and the Arts and Crafts room and solarium were very welcome additions.
1970-1971 Review
In December of 1971, Plymouth Village received a gift from the Arthur Vining Davis Foundation of Miami, Florida, amounting to $45,000. This was used for parking and laundry facilities in the southern sector of the property. Another gift, of $75,000 was received from the Kresge Foundation in August 1972.
1973 Edwards Mansion Moved
It has been noted that the Edwards mansions once the center of the orange groves which became Plymouth Village, was used for a time as office and storage space, as well as living quarters, on a temporary basis. The building was not in condition to be used that way for long, and necessary rewiring, including installation of fire protection devices, was far too costly for the Village to manage. Thus, on July 12, 1983, after months of preparation, the old structure, cut in two, vertically, and mounted on enormous wheels, traveled through the city streets, to settle in its new home on California Street, adjacent to the new County Museum. It was an exciting day, and many both from the Village and the city watched the spectacle with wonder and some awe. Donald W. Wilcott, acting for the Orange Tree Enterprises, bought the old house, with the payment of one silver dollar which, framed, occupies a prominent position in the Village. Repaired and renovated, the Mansion became a fine restaurant.
Heil Administration Building
The Heil Administration Building was an outstanding achievement of the year, 1974. Started early in January arid completed in July, this compact office building rose on the site of the old Edwards Mansion.
Mr. Frank Heil and his wife Ruby, former residents, had given $ 111,000. The larger part of this covered the cost of this structure, and the balance went into the Endowment Fund.
Corporation Meeting
The Plymouth Village Corporation held its annual meeting on March 27, 1974, in Weeks Hall of the First United Methodist Church. Dr. George Riday was the speaker.
Health Assurance Fund
From the Administration came the decision that the Health Assurance Fund will pay $ 6 per day up to a maximum of 100 days, instead of the $4 previously established. The daily rate of Convalescent Hospital care was raised from $22 to $24.
Plymouth Associates
The Plymouth Village Auxiliary, the group of women who had served the Convalescent Hospital so faithfully had disbanded, so on February 18 a tea, planned by the Residents' Association, honored them for their long and loving service.
The needs which the Auxiliary had met still existed, and in April another group, somewhat overlapping in personnel and similar in purpose, came into being. The members were called Plymouth Associates. The organizing group numbered 20, all of them living outside the Village. By 1984 they numbered 72.
The Associates carried on the tradition of the Strawberry Festival, both to raise money and to create good public relations in the community. Mrs. Louise Schultz and Mrs. Retha Alder were co-chairmen in 1975. The money raised was used for hospital equipment and the purchase of materials from which members make nightgowns, bibs, and many other articles for the patients. In the June 3 Festival, they cleared almost $400.
Land Is Bought, 1976
The discussion of a new building was paralleled by talk of purchasing nearby land. Ten friends of the Village offered to lend $5,000 each, to make a down payment on 7.3 acres of land, east of the south end of Salem Dive. The land was indeed bought, and cleared escrow before July 26.
The Fall Festival
Mayor Charles DeMirjyn proclaimed October 9, 1976, as Plymouth Village Festival Day and urged the citizens of Redlands to support this celebration. Greetings were sent by President Ford and Governors Reagan and Carter, Congresswoman Pettis, and Jerry Lewis.
On October 18 the minimum wage was raised nationwide, to $2.50 an hour. This resulted in an increase of fees in the Village. Charges in the Convalescent Hospital rose from $29 to $31 per day. Maintenance fees were increased 10 % looking toward the new year.
The Hospital And Health Care
The hospital continued to receive volunteer service from the Sunshine Ladies and other groups within the Plymouth Associates. In this year the Associates made 50 gowns and 25 bibs for the patients. They also bought a pair of scales equipped with a chair, so that a patient can be weighed while sitting down.
Some residents also gave free service to the hospital. They fed patients when needed, planned parties and services of worship, did mending and sewing, and helped in other ways. The chaplains committee of the Residents' Association was particularly involved in this way, but many others gave time and friendship.
Center Building Started, 1978
The long-talked-about big building was actually started in 1978. The architects were Carl Irwin and Associates. Buster and Schuler Construction Inc. were contractors. On August 9, 1978 ground was broken. The building would house 30 persons, provide a dining area, assembly hall, library, activity rooms, and space for storage and maintenance equipment. The term, "The Lodge." in time came to refer to the west end of the building where were located the living units. Dedication of the completed building took place on March 30, 1980.
Loans up to $1,400,000 were arranged with the Redlands Federal Savings and Loan Co. As noted earlier, a Plymouth Village Development Campaign was set up in 1976 to raise $600,000. By January 1978, pledges totaling $237,000 had been received, including a very generous number from residents,
The construction company, Buster and Schuler, had other assignments as well. One was to remodel Edwards Hall. With government approval the Convalescent Hospital increased its number of patient beds from 42 to 48.. A small chapel was planned, using one of the former patient rooms..
Mr. Carl Anderson Retired
Mr. Carl Anderson who had been administrator of the Village since October 1967, retired in the summer of 1978. He had led the Village through ten difficult years of pioneering work and slow but dramatic growth.
Honor To 100 Years
Another event of interest to all the Village in this year, was the 100th birthday of Mr. Ernest Cronemeyer. Mr. Cronemeyer had been a patient in the Convalescent Hospital, having come from the community but not by way of residency in the Village. He was well-known and when he reached one hundred years of age on July 19, the whole Village celebrated. Since then some others have reached this great age and more, and have been fittingly honored, but Mr. Cronemeyer was the first.
Toothaker Chapel
The tiny chapel planned for the Convalescent Hospital was arranged in one of the former patient rooms. The beautiful windows came from a former Lutheran church in the city. Members of a Sunday School class, called The Methodonians, in the First United Methodist Church, furnished the room. All of this was to honor Dr. Frank Toothaker and his wife Bess. Frank had not only been a long-time teacher of the Sunday School class, but he had been active in the founding of the Village. He and Bess moved in as residents in 1970. Bess passed away February 23, 1981, and Frank lived until April 1984. The sanctuary was dedicated in 1981.
Big Building, 1980
The big building, the planning and construction of which had absorbed countless days and the interest of all who watched the work progress, was finally finished in 1980. A dedication service was held on March 30. The speaker was Mr. Robert Pierpoint, son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Pierpoint, residents in the Village, and active in its founding. and himself a C.B.S. White House correspondent. The Village Store opened March 30. The Hair Care Shop started to do business. The Library was set up and also the Woodshop. The Arts and Crafts Committee, later the Needlecraft Committee, used storage space in Hobbycraft #2.
The Future of the Village of Concern, 1980
There was increasing concern on the part of the Board of Directors of Plymouth Village over the financial future of the Village. In 1980 under the leadership of Dr. George Armacost and Dr. Fred Heisner, the Board decided to seek professional help in analyzing the situation. They called upon Crown Research, and the report from that group led them to consider professional management.
The Executive Committee of the Board of Directors held two special meetings on September 11 and 12 to receive proposals from:
California Lutheran Homes
America Baptist Homes of the West
Presbyterian Homes of Southern California
After these reports and many interviews with church-related home managers, the Board selected the .American Baptist Homes of the West as the best qualified to manage Plymouth Village in such a way that the basic purposes of the Village could be realized. On October 6, the merger proposal was placed before the Corporation, the larger body of which the Board of Directors was the working core, and was accepted by a two-thirds vote.
There was considerable unhappiness on the part of some Corporation members and some Villagers who thought the financial problems could be worked out locally.
The Board of Directors met immediately after the Corporation meeting on November 24, 1980. A resolution was passed unanimously, to follow the dictates of the Corporation and proceed to consummate the merger. Plymouth Village became one of 13 retirement homes administered by the American Baptist Homes of the West.
This meeting was the last official meeting of the Board of Directors of Plymouth Village. Dr. Richard Ice of ABHOW asked members of the Board who were not residents of the Village, to serve as temporary members of the Board of Managers of Plymouth Village until January 24, 1981, when a new board would be elected. Mr. Robert Balsley had been called by the Plymouth Village Board of Directors to the position of administrator, and had come on October 7. Now, as ABHOW took over, he continued on.
Under ABHOW, 1981
The new year. the first full year under ABHOW, started well. The annual meetings of ABHOW were held in the Village on January 23 - 24. A new Board of Managers was elected for the Village, and at a later meeting (April 21) Dr. Fred Heisner was installed as chairman. The following describes the transition::
Plymouth Village continues as the local retirement community and Convalescent Hospital of which the people of Redlands have been proud, and in addition, now has expert managerial skills and financial resources of ABHOW. The ABHOW Board determines the general policies of all ABHOW facilities and is the ultimate authority to ratify the decisions of the local Board concerning rates, budget, expansion plans etc. It means much to the future of Plymouth Village that at the headquarters of ABHOW in Pleasanton, California, there are specialists in financial matters with sophisticated computer equipment, specialists in nutrition. in hospital management, and in state and federal regulations. These persons visit Plymouth Village from time to time, and are available for advice and consultation at all times
More Land Bought
In .August, 1981, the Village bought 6.13 acres of land, east of the present property. It was proposed to build 46 living units on it. A ground-breaking ceremony was held two years later in June, 1983.
Plymouth Associates
The Strawberry Festival may be listed as one means of acquainting the community with the Village. The Plymouth Associates now number 60 members. The Associates continued to be useful in other ways. The Sunshine Ladies, one of the three committees of the Associates, helped daily in Common but kindly chores. The ladies in this group originally came only from the Bethany Reformed Church, but from 1975 on their members included ladies from other churches.
Kendall Place, 1984
In August, 1984, ABHOW bought Kendall Place, a Redlands Heritage House adjacent to the northern end of Salem Drive. With it they also bought an adjoining property of 1.5 acres to the east. The house on the eastern lot qas eventually removed and the land used for additional living units. Kendall Place, built in 1902, needed restoration. A former resident of the Village, Miss Elsie Munzig, had left an estate of $400,000 to the Village, of which $100,000 was marked to put Kendall Place in order. The remainder of the estate was to go to the Endowment Fund. Current government standards of fire prevention and safety were, in time, satisfied, and the house furnished. It has since been used in part for office space, but also for social events and meetings for the Village and community.
Health Facility
In the Health Facility, Mrs. Carol Meyer resigned and was succeeded by Mrs. Kay Kallander, as Director of Nursing Services. Mrs. Kallander (Mrs. Ron Kallander) had worked with Mrs. Meyer for some time before taking over responsibility on July 10, 1984. Through the year the Health Facility maintained a 93.9 % occupancyy level.
The Grove
On July 30, 1996,The Grove was dedicated for dementia patients at a ceremony that included Lloyd Howard, Julie Michaels, Dave Ferguson, Swen Larson, Bruce Laycook, Caroline Kurhajek, Kay Kallander, Joe de Roulhac. Kay Kallander who had spearheaded its development thanked especially the family of Harold Daniels and about 50 other donors.
Kinds of Living Spaces
PV has 273 apartments, single family homes and beds (Grove & Health Center). It is broken down like this:
Residential Living
Apartments = 145
Single Family Homes (with attached garage or carport) = 40
1 Bedroom/1 Bath = 36
2 Bedroom/1 or 2 Bath = 132
3 Bedroom/2 Bath = 17
Total = 185
Assisted Living (The Lodge)
Studio Rooms = 27
Deluxe Suite = 2
Total = 29
Special Care Unit (The Grove)
Private (5 Rooms) = 5 Beds
Semi-Private (3 Rooms) = 6 Beds
Tota = 11 Beds
Health Center (Skilled Nursing)
Semi-Private (24 Rooms) = 48 Beds
Current Occupancy:
Residential Living 92% (14 Vacancies)
Assisted Living 93% ( 2 Vacancies)
Special Care Unit 64% ( 4 Vacancies)
Health Center 90% ( 5 Vacancies)
The Executive Director, Sharon Blades, with Department Heads in Health Center, Resident Services, Home Care, Wellness, Finance, Dining, Environment, and Marketing manage Plymouth Village with their staffs. They are responsible to the parent corporation American Baptist Homes of the West. Plymouth Village is one of 12 full-service communities owned and managed by ABHOW.
ABHOWs mission statement is American Baptist Homes of the West, as an expression of Christian mission, seeks to enhance the independence, wellbeing, and security of older people through the provision of housing, health care, and supportive services.
The Council of the Plymouth Village Residents Association meets monthly. It is advisory and is composed of officers, and representatives of areas and projects and activities committees.. The Association of all the residents meets every 2 months.
The local Board of Managers, composed of Redlands citizens. Issues pass this group of interested people and their reflection is of utmost importance. Their will in such matters as personnel and budgets must come as recommendations before these matters proceed to ABHOW.
Posted on the wall in the lower level of the Activities Building is a large map indicating the location and type of the trees of Plymouth Village, prepared by the late Helen Houston, a resident of Plymouth Village. Using this as a guide I prepared page-size maps of sectors of the village. Corrine Bromberger & Harold M. Hill M.D., both experts in identification of trees, were generous in accompanying me on several tours of the Plymouth Village grounds to update the maps placing numbers on the maps to designate the type and location of all the trees in Redlands. A numbered list of the trees accompanies the maps, which are a part of this paper. Aside from being online, the diagrams will be placed in the Plymouth Village library and in the Plymouth Village administration office for copying upon request.
About three months ago the game of Pétanque was started on two new courts in Plymouth Village. This most-popular in the world ball-tossing game allows residents fun, competition, and mild exercise.
- The History of Plymouth Village, 1958 - 1973 by Mildred Proctor & Edith M. Shapcott
- The History of Plymouth Village; 1973 - 1985 by Mildred Proctor
- Minutes of all Plymouth Village Council and Association meetings
- Plymouth Village wall map of trees by the late Helen Houston
- Trees identifications by Corrine Bromberger and Harold M. Hill M.D.
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